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Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015


                Analog computer is a term used to describe a computing tool works on the analog level. Level analog here is the opposite (dual) of the digital level, which is the digital level voltage levels 'high' (high) and 'low' (low), which is used in the implementation of a binary number. Fundamentally, the electronic components are used as the core of the analog computer is op-amp (operational amplifier).

              digital is computer computer machine created to process the quantitative data in the form of numbers, letters, punctuation, and others. implemented based on technology that converts the signal into a combination of the numbers 0 and 1.

              Is the result of technology that converts the signal into a combination of sequence numbers 0 and 1 (also called binary) to process information easily, quickly and accurately. The signal is called a bit. The digital signal has a range of unique features that can not be found on analog technology, namely: 1. Able to transmit information at the speed of light that can make the information can be transmitted at high speed. 2. Repeated use of the information does not affect the quality and quantity of the information itself, 3. Information can be easily processed and modified into various forms, 4. Can process information in very large numbers and sent them interactively. 

            Computers process data is digitally, through electrical signals it receives or sends. In principle, the computer only recognizes two currents, ie on or off, or terms in the figure are also known as 1 (one) or 0 (zero). 

             The combination of the current on or off is what makes a computer capable of doing many things, both in introducing letters, images, sounds, and even interesting films that you watch in a digital format.

            hybrid computer is a type of computer that is destined for processing the data that are both quantitative and qualitative, or with other terms combining digital with analog capability. In other words, the quantitative data is processed to produce data qualitative and vice versa.

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